Just like anything else there comes a time when you have to seal the deal. You have worked pretty hard up until now to get this girl to meet up with you for a hookup, so what are the next steps to take to make it all go through and get you what you want? You finally have her on board, you have charmed her, she is ready to go. How to you get her to the final act? Finding the right place to meet, where to go and what to do are very important to taking the conversation to the next level. It is imperative that you make it attractive to her if you want to see her, have the hookup and have the most amazing sex of your lifetime.
There are things that will seal the deal and then there are those things that will ruin everything that came before. If you are feeling exhausted already….Just wait we are almost there. It is important that in the final hour you don’t just give up and throw it all away. You have come this far, you have to focus, be creative and give it all you got. There are great places to set it all up and then there are those that will end in disaster and a waste of a lot of time for you both.
You have to find a place for the “face to face” meet. That may seem like a no-brainer, but it is one of the most crucial things of the entire process. The best dating places for hookups are to pick a lounge and to meet later in the night, perhaps after dinner. You don’t want to make the meet up have too much time. You want to go into it already having a casual night of fun under your belt. Go out with your friends first, loosen up and plan to meet her later when you are more comfortable, jovial and ready for the grand finale.
Finding a place where to go, that is dimly lit and not threatening, is important. If you go to a stark lit place, it can be overwhelming and make the entire thing much more intimidating and overwhelming. A lounge is perfect because the atmosphere is relaxed, as is the clientele, and it is quiet enough to be able to have a conversation to put each other at ease.
The number one thing to remember is that it is not appropriate to tie one on and show up drunk. If you do that you can kiss the entire thing goodbye. The girl wants you to have your wits about you, not stupid and drunk. Don’t ever drink unless she is drinking. It is tacky and will give her the wrong impression about the entire process. It is good to offer to buy her a drink, but if she isn’t partaking, don’t be ordering yourself up one either.
Everyone needs a good exit plan. When you are choosing dating places make sure that they have a way for you to exit. When you want to move onto the actual act of sex you want it to be smooth and know where the exit is to get her back to your bedroom. Since the ultimate plan is to have her in bed, make the right moves to get her there easily. If you don’t feel comfortable having her back to your place, set up a place near a hotel. It is just important to have a plan so when the time is right you aren’t both staring at each other wondering what to do now.
The key to knowing where to go is to have a plan. Find a place that makes you comfortable and that you are familiar with. Not the type of familiar where you are going to run into all your friends and ex-girlfriends, but some location that you know how to navigate. You are always more secure and confident in your own surroundings, so find a place where you can be at the top of your game and things will go much more smoothly.