What does this site have to offer? This is the creme de la creme of hookup sites. Yep, that is right, if you want sex, this is the place to go. If you can’t get laid on this site, you ain’t getting laid anywhere my man. This site has the most girls to choose from across the board. Having 4s you can build your confidence, once there you can finish up with an 8 or 9. This site has them all in one place. The best part is that among all the sites that we reviewed this one had virtually no scams, or fake profiles that we could find. What does it have? It has hungry sexually deprived women looking for you to make it all better for them.
Our favorite SocialSex strategies for fast hookups
There is a system to finding girls to have sex with on this site. The first thing to remember is that it is okay to not always aim high. Most sites have either the hot girls, or the homey ones, this has them all. That may seem like a negative, but it is a total positive. The best strategy to follow is to start off with the lower on the totem pole and work your way up. When you first start out, start by contacting the 4s as we talked about earlier. Once you have a few of those under your belt and are feeling pretty good about yourself, move on up the scale. Once you get to the 8s and 9s you will be so confident you will just smell like the best sex out there. That is the beauty of this site, you don’t ever have to go without or get discouraged. There is always someone who is out there willing to meet up for a little adventurous sex. Just schedule a lower lit meeting place.

After 3 months of testing on Freehookups, we finally agreed to put this hook up site #1 on our Top-sites list. You have to try Freehookups.com. You gonna love it!
Women on SocialSex: Were they pretty?
The girls on SocialSex were all over the board. You had your chubby chasers, you pretty faces, your butherface and then you had the super model types, all in the same place. The one thing that they all had in common is that they weren’t there to mess around. This is a site that was not created, or conducive to newbies. A fast track, this is a site that someone who is new to, may find a little intimidating. The girls are looking for sex, they aren’t looking to see if they can find the courage. They have it in hand and are ready to go. That is the type of girl that you are going to be contacting. They may not all be 10s, but there is nothing wrong with scoring with a few 6s and under once in a while, just don’t make a habit out of it.
Test results: 3 months on SocialSex.com
Of all the sites that we reviewed, this is the one which got the highest scores of any other site. It led not to the most responses, well actually yes, it did that too, but it led to the most sexual meetings that we had with any of the sites we reviewed. That is why it is one of the three that we label as a sure thing. Of the women that we contacted, a whopping 87% followed through and had sex with us. We contacted over 76 women, so you can figure out how many times we had sex, and yes, we are still recovering. This is a site where the women are serious and the sex is free flowing.
Gaming SocialSex: Beat the system
So if you are wondering how to beat the system on this, one the best advice we can give you is to go where not all the competition is all the time. Most of the guys who get on the site immediately go for the hottest girls. Of course, who doesn’t want to have sex with the hottest girls on the site, but if you want to have sex tonight and every night, sometimes you want to go for the 6 and above. There is nothing to be ashamed of when you are with a 6 or above. For some of you out there, that is still playing it above your level. Instead of always targeting the hot ones lower your standards just a bit and you will have all the fun and free sex you have ever dreamed of. On this site a 6 or above is more like an 8 or above on another, so you are still well ahead of the game. Once you have all the sex you want, you can still go back and aim for the starts, hey why not?
Top 3 SocialSex features
The best features on SocialSex.com are the fact that you are able to communicate in so many different ways, the profiles are so likable, and the site itself is so casual and easy to navigate. If you are out and about and want to hookup with someone all you have to do is pick up your mobile phone and text them. Wait, what…they aren’t answering? That is okay, all you have to do is send them an email…still nothing? That is okay you can chat with them through video, or set up a chat room, there are so many ways to catch them, you don’t really ever have to worry about catching them. It is very disappointing to want to have some fun and not be able to get in touch with the girl that you have put so much effort into over the previous week. That is something you don’t have to worry about here.
The profiles are so great and vivid that you don’t have to worry about what you are really going to encounter. A lot of times we worry about who we are actually meeting up with. If you can’t get them on a video chat, then all you have to go by is the profile. The profile that you create for this site is not going to let you get away with being dishonest about what you look like. If you are trying to hide something, good luck. Causal yet fun, you get the feeling that you really know someone before you go out and waste the time meeting them. This is one of the funnest hookup sites there is.
This is one of the least complicated sites we could find. It has all the add ons that you crave, and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. If technology is not your friend, this site is. Set up with the idiot in mind, they may have designed it just for you. You don’t have to waste time trying to figure it all out. All you have to do is get on and start looking, it really is that easy. One of the most organized and best sites to navigate, even a child can do it, or someone who thinks like one.
SocialSex pricing plans
This was one of the more pricier of the sites, but the truth is that you get what you pay for. If you want to have free sex you have to sometimes pay up front. The amount that you pay to have a membership pales in comparison to either paying for sex outright, or doing so by feeding a girl drinks in a bar. The reason that we think it is worth the pricier price tag? It is because of all the sites, this is the one where you are almost guaranteed to get all the sex you want, whenever you want. You just can’t put a price on that type of fun.
SocialSex.com – our final recommendations
If you are looking for a site that will give you the best odds of getting all the sex that you want, this is the one. If you only want to sign on to one, this is the one. The most girls to choose from, it also has the most of different types of girls to choose from. Build your courage or hold out for the hotties the choice is yours, but this is a one-stop-shop when it comes to booty calls. All the best advances, an easy to navigate site, and all the upgrades you could want for one price.