Being proud of being British is okay, being proud of being on Britishhookups is not. If you are a girl on British hookups what on earth are you doing? The girls on this site were among the sluttiest, yuckiest girls that we encountered. Sure, you want to have the bad girl to sleep with, but these were the types of girls that would leave a ring around your bed sheets if you know what we mean. Not only were they girls who looked like they had not only been around the block, but had circled it hundreds of times, they were girls who were for the most part, not real. A big attraction for girls who were from other countries looking for money, it is not something that you want to waste your time, or you money, on.
We were able to find a number of girls on this site that we felt we could live with. Of the ones that we found, we reached out to about 30 of them, so not bad odds. Of those 30, we had about 10 respond. Of the ones who did, only three of them were not scams. That is right about 70% of the girls who answered back had money in mind. Whether they were out on their own, or not, cannot be determined, but one thing is for sure, they were out to take us for a ride (and not the good kind).

After 3 months of testing on WildBuddies, we were really disappointed about the results. We DID NOT get laid with this hook up site. That’s why we recommend you to choose one of our top sites to get laid.
The site itself is set up nicely. The girls who you see on the cover are hot and the graphics are spectacular. You really feel like you have chosen a great site. Once you get into it, you quickly notice that it is a lot of smoke and mirrors. Not only do you have to pay a premium membership, everything seems to cost extra. If you want to use certain features you have to upgrade. If you want to use your mobile phone, you have to upgrade. Before you know it you really are paying for sex.
We got a lot of the old scams from the women that we reached out to on this site. We were asked for money, we were elicited for information, we even think that we had a dude hit on us, although we can’t be sure. The one thing that is for sure is that we didn’t get what we wanted from this site. Of all the sites this one cost somewhere in the middle, not too pricey, not too cheap, definitely not worth the money.
The mobile site that costs extra was remedial and silly. It was hard to communicate with others and we had it quit on us over and again. It also was very cheap looking and if anyone had just glanced, they would have known what we were up to. That means good luck using it at work. The email that we left with them was inundated with grow your penis ads, so we are assuming the other guys who used this site must have small junk. Whatever the reason, it was extremely annoying to have penises pop up in our faces all the time. When on my email, I almost got a sense for what a female porn start goes through with all those dicks in her face all the time.
The overall rating on this one is a “forget it”. Not only did it lead to a whopping one sexual encounter, it wasn’t one that was even memorable. All smoke and mirrors, this is one that you are going to want to pass up. The membership may not run you much, but the fake profiles and ads that come as a result of signing on board, will make you wish you hadn’t signed on at all. Forget this one and go on to the others. It will save you time and money.